Design, Construction, and Testing of a Low-Cost Autonomous Robotic System for Household Cleaning Tasks

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Fatima Zahra
Youssef Amir


The demand for household cleaning robots has surged, driven by the increasing need for convenience and efficiency in performing routine cleaning tasks. However, the high cost of existing autonomous cleaning systems poses a significant barrier to widespread adoption. This paper presents the design, construction, and testing of a low-cost autonomous robotic system specifically tailored for household cleaning tasks. Utilizing off-the-shelf components and open-source software, the proposed system aims to provide an affordable, yet effective solution for automated floor cleaning. The robot features a modular design for easy maintenance and upgrade, incorporates sensors for obstacle avoidance and path planning, and uses a simple, efficient cleaning mechanism. Through a series of tests conducted in various household environments, the robot demonstrated effective cleaning capabilities, efficient battery usage, and robust obstacle navigation. This study contributes to the field by offering a viable alternative to expensive commercial cleaning robots, making autonomous cleaning technology accessible to a broader audience.

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How to Cite
Zahra, F., & Amir, Y. (2023). Design, Construction, and Testing of a Low-Cost Autonomous Robotic System for Household Cleaning Tasks. AI, IoT and the Fourth Industrial Revolution Review, 13(12), 33–41. Retrieved from