Integrating Artificial Intelligence and Cloud Computing in eCommerce Operational and Customer-Centric Advancements

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Nour Hanan Hassan Abou Elmaaty 
Hesham Emad Ali Ibrahim


The adoption of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and cloud computing in the eCommerce industry has led to transformative changes, markedly altering the way businesses function and consumers interact with online platforms. AI technology has introduced several value-added features like personalized shopping experiences, chatbots for customer interaction, visual recognition for product searches, dynamic pricing models, efficient inventory management, and fraud detection mechanisms. In parallel, cloud computing has empowered eCommerce businesses with scalability, cost-effectiveness, extensive data storage and analytics capabilities, robust backup and recovery options, global reach, and seamless third-party integrations. The convergence of these two technologies amplifies their individual benefits, creating a synergistic impact. Advanced data analytics becomes feasible as cloud platforms store enormous datasets that AI can then sift through to derive actionable insights. This enhances not only customer personalization but also enables more efficient operational decision-making. Moreover, the union of AI's automation capabilities with the scalable resources provided by cloud computing significantly streamlines multiple eCommerce processes, ranging from order management to customer service. This fusion allows for rapid innovation, giving businesses the agility to introduce new features and services to maintain a competitive edge. The integration of AI and cloud computing is not merely an incremental improvement but rather a significant shift that enables more intelligent, responsive, and agile eCommerce ecosystems.

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How to Cite
Elmaaty , N. H. H. A., & Ibrahim, H. E. A. (2023). Integrating Artificial Intelligence and Cloud Computing in eCommerce Operational and Customer-Centric Advancements. AI, IoT and the Fourth Industrial Revolution Review, 13(9), 18–28. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Hesham Emad Ali Ibrahim, Department of Computer science, Aswan University, Aswan, Egypt