Socioeconomic Factors and Their Interaction with Environmental Education and Biodiversity Conservation: Effects on Mental Health and Community Empowerment

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Sunita Sharma
Rajesh Thapa


This summary examines the complex relationship between socioeconomic determinants, environmental education, biodiversity conservation, community empowerment and mental health outcomes. It emphasizes that socioeconomic disparities have a significant impact on access to effective environmental education, as low-income areas face barriers such as limited resources and inadequate infrastructure, resulting in varying levels of environmental understanding and awareness. Consequently, these differences influence perspectives on biodiversity conservation and mental health. The summary highlights biodiversity conservation as a tool for community improvement, particularly in economically disadvantaged areas. Active community participation in conservation programs promotes a sense of ownership and responsibility for the environment, thereby strengthening community cohesion, resilience and self-determination and, in turn, mental health. It highlights the importance of proximity to the natural environment for mental health, particularly with regard to people from lower socioeconomic backgrounds who have limited access to green spaces, which can lead to mental health inequalities. To reduce these disparities and improve mental health, it is proposed to promote biodiversity conservation and access to natural places. The transformative impact of environmental education in promoting sustainable behavior change is also highlighted. By removing financial barriers that limit educational opportunities, communities can be better equipped to adopt environmentally friendly practices, leading to a greater sense of achievement and empowerment. It emphasizes the need for comprehensive policy interventions to address the relationship between socio-economic determinants, environmental education, biodiversity protection, mental health and community empowerment. It promotes policies that promote equitable access to environmental education, green urban planning, and community-led conservation initiatives. These steps are critical to developing better health and a stronger society overall.

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How to Cite
Sharma, S., & Thapa, R. (2023). Socioeconomic Factors and Their Interaction with Environmental Education and Biodiversity Conservation: Effects on Mental Health and Community Empowerment. AI, IoT and the Fourth Industrial Revolution Review, 13(7), 75–90. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Sunita Sharma, Department of Conservation, Tribhuvan University, Birendranagar




Rajesh Thapa, Department of Sociology, Mid-Western University, Surkhet Campus